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Conga Contract Management System

Best Contract Management Solution

Contract Management Success (Part 4 of 4)

To alleviate common contracting pain points and achieve significant improvements, you need an effective contract management strategy. We’ve broken down this strategy into four universal steps. As you roll out your strategy, each step will compound success, capturing more value for your business and getting more of your company on board with the benefits of contract management.

Contract Lifecycle Management

Contract Lifecycle Management definitions (Part 2 of 4)

Request: a business user asks for a contract The first step in the contract process is for someone in the company to request a new contract. In many companies, the request process can be very informal and disorganized. If there are no centrally located or easily accessible templates, it results in outdated contracts used as ad-hoc templates, exposing the company to financial and compliance risk.… Read More »Contract Lifecycle Management definitions (Part 2 of 4)

Guide Salesforce Conga Contract Management

Best Guide to Salesforce & Conga for Contract Management (Part 1 of 4)

You might see contract management as something that only pertains to legal or finance. But if you’re responsible for closing deals, you’re more involved with contracts than you realize. Because contracts are binding and govern over 80% of transactions and value, every business should care very much about what they contain. Contracts & Contract Management is The Lifeblood of Companies They outline the rights and… Read More »Best Guide to Salesforce & Conga for Contract Management (Part 1 of 4)

Conga CLM Support

Avoid Paper-chasing & Save Time with Conga’s Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)

Contracts are at the core of every segment of your business because they guide decisions and transactions. They contain more risk and reward than any other part of a business, so high-level contract management is your opportunity to negotiate better deals, avoid precarious clauses, and mitigate risk. Conga’s CLM Takes You to The Next Level Contract lifecycle management helps you throughout all stages of the… Read More »Avoid Paper-chasing & Save Time with Conga’s Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)