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Best Contract Management Solution

Contract Management Success (Part 4 of 4)

To alleviate common contracting pain points and achieve significant improvements, you need an effective contract management strategy. We’ve broken down this strategy into four universal steps. As you roll out your strategy, each step will compound success, capturing more value for your business and getting more of your company on board with the benefits of contract management.

Contract Lifecycle Management

Contract Lifecycle Management definitions (Part 2 of 4)

Request: a business user asks for a contract The first step in the contract process is for someone in the company to request a new contract. In many companies, the request process can be very informal and disorganized. If there are no centrally located or easily accessible templates, it results in outdated contracts used as ad-hoc templates, exposing the company to financial and compliance risk.… Read More »Contract Lifecycle Management definitions (Part 2 of 4)

Guide Salesforce Conga Contract Management

Best Guide to Salesforce & Conga for Contract Management (Part 1 of 4)

You might see contract management as something that only pertains to legal or finance. But if you’re responsible for closing deals, you’re more involved with contracts than you realize. Because contracts are binding and govern over 80% of transactions and value, every business should care very much about what they contain. Contracts & Contract Management is The Lifeblood of Companies They outline the rights and… Read More »Best Guide to Salesforce & Conga for Contract Management (Part 1 of 4)

salesforce contracts conga

Conga for Salesforce Will Make You a Contract Superstar

It’s time to streamline and automate the contract renewal process to keep your customers loyal and sales teams efficient. Automated solutions in the Conga Suite will save time, create error-free documents, and ensure a better experience for customers as well as your associates. The renewal of contracts with clients is vital to sales volumes (retain customer base) and is an opportunity for sales execs to… Read More »Conga for Salesforce Will Make You a Contract Superstar

Salesforce Preferred Hotels Conga

Real-life Case Study to Automate Contract Renewals: Preferred Hotels

Preferred Hotels has a network of over 800 partner hotels where they provide travelers luxurious accommodations and inspiring travel experiences. The company’s membership based-business model requires marketing cooperation with partner hotels which means there are a lot of contracts to manage. Until recently Preferred Hotels did not have contract automation systems in place to manage contract renewals, which led to a slow contract renewal cycle.… Read More »Real-life Case Study to Automate Contract Renewals: Preferred Hotels

Inside Sales Performance with Salesforce

Better Inside Sales with Salesforce This Year

Inside sales is the foundation of a successful sales team. That was true 30 years ago, and it’s even more so in 2023. Buyers expect speed. They need guidance during uncertain times or when things change so rapidly. They want honest, human, and live interaction. Inside sales allows you to deliver human-to-human interactions and scale up quickly. And at the risk of sounding cliché, it’s… Read More »Better Inside Sales with Salesforce This Year

Marketing Data Integration

Unify Marketing Data with Salesforce

  • CRM

Boost Marketing Intelligence with In-depth Analysis after Data Integration Customers have shifted their expectations and behaviors in response to our increasingly digital world. Businesses must accelerate data integration to keep up. Data integration is a challenge for all organizations. There is so much marketing data constantly being generated, and integration requires ongoing updates and thoughtful innovation. With the right marketing intelligence platform like Salesforce, modern… Read More »Unify Marketing Data with Salesforce

Tour Salesforce Part 5

Tour of Salesforce (Part 5 of 5)

Goal: Optimize The Sales Cycle Constantly improve the sales process with data-driven decisions and add your insights into Salesforce to customize your sales cycle and boost your sales team’s productivity every step of the way. Salesforce ReportsScrutinize every step of your seales process, so you can act on insights. Salesforce Maps Territory PlanningQuickly adjust territories to optimize them for your business. Sales CadencesRecycle lessons learned… Read More »Tour of Salesforce (Part 5 of 5)

Salesforce Sales Cloud Einstein

Tour of Salesforce (Part 4 of 5)

Goal: Hit Your Targets Set expectations that inspire, and reach them more often. Salesforce turns leaders into sales force that crushes. HIT YOUR NUMBERS Sales leaders have a tough job. Make forecasts that are moon shots … then travel to the moon. Sales Cloud can get you there with data that you can see, explore, and trust. Use this data to build a team of… Read More »Tour of Salesforce (Part 4 of 5)